
Global Diaspora Multicultural Coaching Network
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  • Counseling
  • Counseling

    Individual counseling sessions provide a place for one-to-one discussion of personal problems and possible solutions. It also provides an opportunity for further understanding of oneself and promote personal growth.
    The center also provides counseling for bigger groups, like couples and families. Issues such as relationship conflict, trust, and intimacy can be approached at couples or family level.
    ■ Individual counseling
    ■ Couples counseling
    ■ Family therapy
    ■ Group counseling


    Psychological assessments are also available. Psychological assessment is a process to enhance understanding of different aspects of oneself. Understanding one’s personality, interest, talents, and life values, one can make changes and improvements in his or her life.

    Following psychological assessments are available:
    ■ MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)
    ■ MMPI2/MMPI-A (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)
    ■ CBCL (Childhood behavioral checklist)
    ■ BDI (Beck depression inventory)
    ■ BAI (Beck anxiety inventory
    ■ CES-D (Center for epidemiologic studies depression scale)
    ■ HTP (house-tree-person)
    ■ TAT (Thematic apperception test)